This wallpaper in black was etcaxly what I was looking for for my website! It’s still in progress and has some things specific to my classes on it now, but I wanted to send you a link and get your okay on using the background for this purpose in advance. When I get my real info page up it will include a link to your site! Thanks for making this great pattern!!
This wallpaper in black was etcaxly what I was looking for for my website! It’s still in progress and has some things specific to my classes on it now, but I wanted to send you a link and get your okay on using the background for this purpose in advance. When I get my real info page up it will include a link to your site! Thanks for making this great pattern!!
Hi Kerstin! Your proposal sounds good to me, I’m always happy to share my photograph with the world. Email me with your link when you are ready.