Salt del Molí Fondo (Sant Joan de les Fonts, Catalonia)
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I cannot believe, two weeks in a row getting my camera out for some action! After a few months without doing this, it seems like a record. I didn’t realize how much I missed my time with the camera.
Anyway, today I cross out another place in my wanna go list: a waterfall in Sant Joan de Les Fonts. It is called The “Salt del Molí Fondo,” the name cames after Fondo’s Mill, an old paper factory that used this waterfall to generate electricity.
I saw a lot of pictures of this place, usually close-ups, and I didn’t know what to expect about the surroundings. I knew that I was visiting a zone created by lava flows, but I couldn’t imagine the unusual shapes that I saw this morning. The rock formation in this picture is only an example of what you will find there.
The waterfall is impressive, but I didn’t stop my visit there. I followed a short route that gets you into a fair amount of water fountains; after all, Sant Joan de Les Fonts means Sant John of the Fountains!
Along the path, you also can see how three lava flows went one on top of the other forming unique shapes. Hopefully, in the next days, I will show some of the photos that I took from a fantastic set of basalt columns.
Meantime be smarter than me, if you decide to visit the zone do not forget to get some mosquito repellent. It is tough to focus on taking good photos when an army of mosquitos is bitting your legs!
📍 Salt del Molí Fondo, Sant Joan de les Fonts, Catalonia